Kategori: Sweden
New York Times shows why they will lose
🟠 Why are the citizens of Europe so angry and turning away from the established parties? It must be because of … Russia! That at least is what the New York Times is claiming in an article published August 10, with logic that bears a striking resemblance to the narrative that explains why Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016. With this kind of reality concept to navigate from, it is not surprising that the mainstream media are failing.
Opposition newspaper banned from book fair
🟠 When Scandinavia’s largest book fair will open to the public on September 22nd, one of the scheduled participants will no longer be there. Under pressure from the left-wing cultural establishment, the Gothenburg Book Fair has decided to bar the Swedish opposition newspaper Nya Tider (New Times).
Senaste numret
Nya Tider är den enda tidningen som bemöter systempressens lögner i deras eget format: på papper. Sedan grundandet 2012 granskar Nya Tider den politiska korrektheten och berättar hur verkligheten ser ut bakom systemmedias tillrättalagda version. Tidningen utkommer med en nätutgåva två gånger i veckan och ett magasin varannan vecka.
Vávra Suk
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